week #10

I2C, SPI, and final project

During this week's labs I learned about synchronous serial communication. The labs covered two protocols that allow us to communicate with basic sensors that don't have an inner clock, but only perform one action, such as getting a value of something.

Lab: I2C Communication with a Time-of-Flight Distance Sensor

Lab: OLED Screen Display using I2C

Final project

I then moved unto working on Matthew's and mine final PCOMP project. We made a list of all the materials and components we need (already got most of them but it's good to keep track of how much we spend).

We also started testing some of the components — we soldered some Neopixels to their drivers (that took forever, they're so small!), and then started figuring out the Adafruit Neopixel Arduino library in order to program them. We plan on chaining them one after the other but we should still have access to all of them individually to control their color (this works with two pixels connected so should scale up as well...)

Currently working on the following things (not in any particular order)

  • Finalizing the design aspect of the project: the board's size and shape (we're thinking about 15x15 inches), as well as the knobs' size and shape (diameter of about 3-4 cm). We're also trying to figure out how many layers of wood we're going to need — if we can fit the speaker, the microcontroller and everything else in the same layer or not (probably not).
  • Finding out how and where to 3D print semi-transparent PLA.
  • Testing the reverse mechanic of having the hall sensor in the board and magnet in the knob. Also adding the inductive LEDs we got and make sure they work but don't interfere with everything else.
  • Continuing to figure out the Neopixel Arduino library.
  • Testing which speaker we should use
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Jasmine Nackash is a multidisciplinary designer and developer intereseted in creating unique and innovative experiences.